
Got the results from this years **** *** International Photography Competition as was very discouraged and disappointed to say the least.

I reviewed my work carefully and reviewed the stuff that won, and I just don't get WHY ... stuff beats out impactful, vibrantly colourful and impactfully composed imagery; images with common sense an understanding of beauty and aesthetics.  

What has "contemporary" art got against common sense and beauty in art?

I spent a lot money and image consideration before submitting different solo and group images and expected much better results - but I can't second guess the judging process.  The easy out is always to say, "it's subjective".  Okay, to a certain degree, but I've notice a trend in art moving downward to promoting and accepting that which would have been considered garbage and/or down right ugly some decades ago and now it wins awards and hangs on prestigious gallery walls!!!

Just have to settle for an pseudo-embarrassing honourable mention!

Deterred .. NO

Hopeful .. yes, only because I realise my photographic journey does not depend on a nod here or pat-on-the-back there from judges who in my experience have lost the meaning of good, ethical, wholesome art, these current times don't have any sense of what beauty or good photography (art) is!

A whole other fascinating topic of art and aesthetics - art and kitsch - art and beauty.  I think Sir Roger Scruton was on to something.


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