Bob's Basic Beat: Fill-Flash w/ Nikon D60

Fill-Flash can add that little bit of light in the dark areas of a picture making it just a little better by revealing more detail in the overall photograph.
Consider the two samples here. One made without fill-flash and one with fill-flash on.
Now the fill-flash on the D60 is automatic in certain lighting conditions, but thankfully on the left side of the camera from the viewfinder position, one can set it manually to function, which is what I did in this instance.
I recall my early days of photography under the bright Saskatchewan sunshine. Farmers and others wear baseball type caps to shield the eyes from the brightness. However when photographing them, it leaves the eyes in deep shadow, which may not necessarily be apparent to the human eye, which is able to distinguish features amidst the shadows. Film and digital sensors are just not as sensitive as the human eye God has wonderfully and marvelously created in us.
I look back now and wish I would have used flash on those bright sunny days to soften the shadows or at least throw a little detail into them through the use of a fill-flash.
The misconception I probably had is that flash photography is only for indoors and at night. But this is not true, it is also useful during sunny days to fill in shadows and produce details where only a dark part of the picture would exist.
With today's digital capture and preview features, one can easily judge the benefits of fill-flash and decide if the picture is better with or without it. At least having the option is important.

The first photo here was taken without any fill-flash. Compare it to the following photo where I did use fill.
Study both images ... notice the differences and then decide which you prefer.

Photo taken with the built-in fill-flash atop the Nikon D60, a very handy tool to complement one's photography from time to time.

Here is what I was talking about earlier. No fill-flash, so the eyes under the cap are not clearly visible and the photo looks quite beginner-ish.
This photo was made I believe whilst I was still in high school with a 35mm film camera.

Well, that's all for now.


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