Pinhole Fine-Art Black & White Photography

Finally feeling better today, but still not 100 percent.
Went to Tim Horton's this morning for coffee and pleased the roll up the rim is on again.
Cold and Sunny this morning, very nice ... (but too cold for someone just recovering from a terrible cold).
I have have had my Ilford/Harman Titan 4x5 pinhole camera now for about two weeks and not a single image to show for it.
Well, this morning I finally decided to make a few exposures even if I couldn't get out too far from home.  As a matter of fact, just out the front door is a hanging green glass coil-shaped humming bird feeder, so I used this as my first subject.
I calculated exposure based upon the included calculator and made two exposures, one at about 12 seconds and the other about 20 seconds on Ilford's Delta 100 4x5 sheet film in one of my Lisco holders.


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