Arista E6 Processing & Colour Infrared

Recently bought the Arista E6 (250ml) processing kit from Beau Photo which I assume from the packaging they get from Freestyle down in Hollywood, Calif.
I was toying with the idea of processing in my kitchen, but don't have a sous vide to control the temperature and the 250ml kit only makes up 1 Litre.  The little problem I have with this is that my 4x5 tank requires 1200ml for processing.
My solution:  process at Ed & Judy's since they have a couple of Jobo CPP2 machines and all the necessary accoutrements.
I processed 6 sheets of 4x5:  4 colour infrared (IR) and 2 Velvia in the easy to use Expert rotary Drum ... love that thing.
Then loaded three rolls of 120 onto a small rotary tank.  All processing went pretty good despite the fact that we had to change processors just before we got started.
Some of the colours are a bit wonky, but most of the film is outdated and wasn't always stored in cool conditions.  However, it was the Aerochromes that I was most anxious about and they came out better than I thought.  Once all dried I'll be posting some of the results. 
Here are the results ... somewhat disappointing as there is no disguishing colours at all as compared with other work I have shot in colour IR.  Not sure what went wrong, but it doesn't really look like IR as others have also noted on Facebook.
Yula is back home right now for the rest of the month - a well-deserved rest since she hasn't been back to China since we came to Canada in Jan 2016.


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