Efke IR 820 An Infrared Experience

Lately, I've been having trouble with my infrared black & white photography.  The 120 rolls of Efke IR 820 that I've exposed have processed out blank!  Now I can only assume this is because I metered incorrectly.  So when I changed formats and started using my 4x5 sheets I varied my exposures and took careful note of the ISO.
Matsqui Trail near Mission, British Columbia, Canada - I metered this one for ISO 12 and gave it an exposure of f/22 @ 30 seconds.  Although it appears somewhat overexposed - I got a nice image from it as you can see.

I next visited Steelhead Falls yesterday (12 July 2019) and made this image, but
at an ISO of 03 - much better negative with similar results.
I used the Cokin #007 IR filter and processed the film in Kodak's HC-110(b) for 7 minutes.


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