Working with ILFORD SFX film

 I've been using Rollei infrared black & white film for a little while now and really like the effect I get with it.

But Ilford has a film that is "near" infrared so I thought I'd give it a try as I like ILFORD products.

Using my Mamiya C330 Pro S with an IR 720 filter I was satisfied with the results, it seems to give it just enough effect to be infrared, which is good to know.

I set my exposures for four and five stops more than the metre reading and found that the five stop setting gave a slightly better effect.

So if the metre on a bright and sunny day read f/22 @ 30 of a second I set the shutter speed to 1 second for a five stop adjustment for the filter.

Here are a few samples and then one of a hydro-turbine unfiltered which impressed with with its sharpness and tonality


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