World Pinhole Photography Day 2020 edition
Well, my WPPD started the day before ... yesterday.I used the cardboard I saved from way back in September 2019 when I registered with CIVIX to include my students in the student federal election as social studies is one of the things I have to teach, I thought it would be apropos for us to take part and gave us first-hand experience in Canadian civics.
Anyway, I had all this cardboard packaging and the ballot boxes, so put it to good use recycling to make my camera obscura along with a few black bags our custodian contributed to the project. However, since the schools are closed to holding classes, I turned a small room in my rental into the camera obscura.
I then set up my Mamiya 645 Pro TL camera with its 24 mm f/4 wide-angle lens. This lens is beautiful, wow, I'm so glad itsa part of my toolkit. To record the image projected upon the far wall I used none other than ILFORD HP5 plus, rated at ISO 800 (pushed one stop). Processed in HC-110b @ 20 C for 7.5 minutes and wa-la ... the exposures were 7min - 4 min & 2 minutes with the 7-minute exposure being the best of the lot.
So, with this data,I was able to extrapolate my exposures for WPPD using my Zero Image 45 camera set at a focal lenght of 25mmf/138.
Here is the link to my image at the WPPD site
Here we are and after setting up the ZeroImage 45 camera I exposed ILFORD HP5 plus at 70 min - 60 min - 30 min and today, is similar to yesterday, bright sunny breaks with overall bright through light clouds. All failures, I suspect the exposure needs to be much longer on the order of many hours!
I also made a few images with my Zero Image 69 pinhole camera of a stump in the backyard with fungi growing upon it. I used ILFORD's Delta 400 film. Processed for 7.5 minutes @ 20 C. So the day wasn't a complete loss.
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